A full-time school doctor and a school nurse run the school clinic. Their work focuses on preventive, curative and educative matters.
The preventive aspect involves keeping and updating a file for each student. Parents are required to fill a health status update at the start of each school year.
The curative aspect involves taking care of illness and accidents: Sick students are reported to the clinic for treatment. The nurse checks the files for allergies etc. before deciding on appropriate care. If the student is sick and needs further treatment, the parents are contacted immediately for further measures. In case of a minor accident, the parents are notified either on the phone and or by a memo describing what happened and the measures taken. Major accidents that require hospitalizations are dealt with depending on the seriousness of the situation. Parents are notified at once and asked to accompany their child to the hospital for treatment, if the accident is so serious that the student requires immediate hospitalization.